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What Are the Advantages of Purchasing Properties Before Completion?

Posted by geeksadmin on March 10, 2023

How are Off-Plan Properties Defined?

When you buy off-plan properties, it means you are purchasing your house before the construction is over. You can select to get a brand-new home after it is finished or before the building is done, which is called an off-plan. This is the same as investing in a plot of land and then leaving it to be developed later. Buying an off-plan property gives you the opportunity to buy a house even before construction has started.

When you are looking to buy property before it is built, a reservation deposit would need to be provided to guarantee the house. This kind of purchase, be it for a home or investment, can be riskier than buying an already constructed one. It is wise to get an experienced broker to do some research into the developer and property before committing to the purchase. After studying their report, you can then make the decision to buy.

What Would Happen if the Property Decreased in Worth?

A major danger with off-plan real estate purchases is the potential for property values to drop before the project is finished. This could lead to a loan being reduced or, in the case of an investor, the funding being lost altogether. If the build is a lengthy process, the homebuyer may even miss out on a deposit due to not having the financing finalized in time. A recession or economic downturn can also be a factor in values dropping before completion.

If you breach your agreement to purchase the property, you could lose the deposit amount. Nonetheless, you could still sell the property to someone else prior to concluding the deal when the construction is finished. The buyer may have been contractually obligated to buy the off-plan property at its original cost, so they would have to get the additional funds from somewhere else or risk being sued if they back out and the developer sells the property for less.

What Are the Benefits of Purchasing Properties Before Completion?

When one decides to purchase off-the-plan properties, they are paying the current market price rather than a future evaluation, which often leads to an increased value of the property over time. If a luxury property is purchased off-plan in an area where they are known to appreciate quickly, there is a greater chance that the investor will gain higher returns on their investment.

In order to get the highest return possible from off-plan real estate investments, some investors pay the entirety of their installment payments and then list the property at the time their final payment is due. These purchases are generally made prior to the completion of the construction, with a nominal down payment required initially, with the balance due according to a plan accepted by the developer.

Investing in a property before it has been built is a less expensive option than purchasing a traditional property. If you make the right choice, you may be able to make more money than with any other real estate transaction. An off-plan purchase involves buying the property before construction has started, and the prices of these investments are usually fixed, so there is no room for bargaining.

What Are The Money-Saving Benefits of Purchasing Properties Before Completion?

With the beginning of construction, any discounts generally become much smaller and could amount to a maximum of 10%. Properties with superior views, larger balconies, or convenient amenities are usually purchased before the building process has even started. When purchasing an off-plan, you are not expected to pay the full amount of the agreed-upon price right away. It has been observed that, depending on the completion date, the gap between the cost of buying the off-plan and the finished property is a minimum of 10-20%.

Is Assistance Available Through Help to Buy For Pre-Construction Homes?

If you have never purchased a home before, you may be eligible for a Government Help to Buy equity loan that is available for certain newly constructed dwellings. Like any other real estate transaction, the lender will require an appraisal prior to granting the loan. The main difference when you buy off-plan is that the lender will want to conduct a second appraisal of the property once the construction is finished, to ensure the original assessment was accurate. If the property value rises during the house-building process, you could end up with a house worth more than what you paid for it when the time to move arrives.

If you’d like to talk to an experienced specialist without any bias, please reach out to us. We specialize in providing the best investment opportunities in all of the United Kingdom.

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